Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Case of the Randoms

I promise you that, one day, my entries will go back to having some sort of organizing principle.

Today, however, is not that day.


Last week, I had my oldest kids playing "Point-To," which is about as simple as it sounds. I put a bunch of flashcards on the board, two kids come up, I say "Point to... 'Raining'!" (or "sunny" or "foggy" or "flunderstorming"). First kid to point to the right answer wins. They love it. Before we started on this particular day, I realized there were exactly 16 kids in the class.


'Cause I know y'all just can't wait to see how this ends...

Final round, folks... place your bets.



A few of my classes had ski lessons scheduled for this week, where they would leave school as a class and go on a bus up to the mountains for their P.E. Those lessons were all cancelled because of unsafe driving conditions on snowy roads.

Ski lessons. Cancelled on account of snow. So French! SO FREAKING FRENCH!


This is a brick of peanuts. I bought it. And yes, a brick.


A dear friend of mine from back home, one David Adler, is coming to visit from April 21st-29th. It's gonna' be rockin' awesome. If you're reading this and likely to still be in Paris/Riviera during any of that time, let me know.


Andy: "What do we say when... *ah-CHOO*?"
Kids: "Bless you!"
Andy: "Good! And what do we say when... *cough*, *cough*?"
Kid: "Not bless you!"


G'night, folks.


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